Dropped by Rotten Duelist to the north of Ordina, Liturgical TownGrace.
This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
Can be buffed by Magic or Consumables
Rotten Greataxe can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
Causes Scarlet Rot Buildup: (65)
Unlike the majority of Colossal Weapons, the Rotten Greataxe has favorable scaling with Dexterity.
When infused with Poison, it can inflict Scarlet Rot and Poison buildup simultaneously.
The Ash of War: Poisonous Mist can further increase the poison buildup by buffing the weapon with poison while emitting a poisonous mist.
Sell Value: 200.
You would have thought it is a DEX weapon due to it innate scaling, but it is more complicated:
With a Heavy Ash of War and 80 STR this weapon reaches 768 AR one Handed and 819 AR two handed with only a supposed B scaling only in STR.
With a Keen Ash of War and 30 STR (for its minimal requirement) and 80 DEX it reaches 794 AR one handed and 804 AR two handed with an E scaling in STR and a B scaling in DEX.
With a Quality Ash of War and an 80 in both STR and DEX this weapon has 861 AR one handed and 895 AR two handed.
The Rotten Greataxe can be infused with Ashes of War.
See usable Ashes of War.
All Affinities
Ash of War: Endure (Default)
Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut)
Ash of War: Stamp (Sweep)
Ash of War: Lion's Claw
Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw
Ash of War: Cragblade
Ash of War: Kick
Ash of War: Ground Slam
Ash of War: Earthshaker
Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker
Ash of War: War Cry
Ash of War: Barbaric Roar
Ash of War: Braggart's Roar
Ash of War: Troll's Roar
Ash of War: Quickstep
Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step
Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists
Ash of War: Beast's Roar
Ash of War: Storm Stomp
Ash of War: Determination
Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Fire, and Flame Art
Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Ash of War: Eruption
Ash of War: Prelate's Charge
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred
Ash of War: Thunderbolt
Ash of War: Lightning Slash
Ash of War: Blinkbolt
Ash of War: Lightning Ram
Ash of War: Sacred Blade
Ash of War: Prayerful Strike
Ash of War: Sacred Order
Ash of War: Shared Order
Ash of War: Golden Land
Ash of War: Golden Slam
Ash of War: Golden Vow
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Magic, and Cold
Ash of War: Gravitas
Ash of War: Waves of Darkness
Ash of War: Chilling Mist
Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp
Ash of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Poison, Blood, and Occult
Ash of War: Poisonous Mist
Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice
Ash of War: White Shadow's Lure
Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow |