Caria ManorDungeon, From the Manor Upper LevelGrace Grace, take the elevator down, and head straight while looking left.
You should see a rampart below with a wooden ledge and a corpse hanging from it.
Jump down to it.
Head southwest down the ramp and to your left you should see the Urumi guarded by four Fingercreepers.
This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
Urumi can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
The charged strong attack is a slash and then thrust attack, which can catch invading players off-guard with the slight delay before an unusual move for a whip.
Sell Value: 200
The Urumi weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
See usable Ashes of War.
All Affinities
Ash of War: Kick (Default)
Ash of War: Storm Stomp
Ash of War: Ground Slam
Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker
Ash of War: Determination
Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve
Ash of War: Beast's Roar
Ash of War: Endure
Ash of War: Quickstep
Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step
Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Fire, and Flame Art
Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred
Ash of War: Thunderbolt
Ash of War: Lightning Ram
Ash of War: Golden Slam
Ash of War: Golden Vow
Ash of War: Sacred Order
Ash of War: Shared Order
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Magic, and Cold
Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Poison, Blood, and Occult
Ash of War: White Shadow's Lure |