A hooked blade attached to a long handle.
Wielded by the vulgar militia, its attacks can slip through an enemy's guard.
The vulgar militia are the undecorated stewards of rancid, scorched battlefields that none dare approach, and forbidden domains better forgotten by the rest of the world |
Rare drop form Vulgar Militiamen.
The road from the Farum GreatbridgeGrace to the Bestial SanctumGrace has several that can be easily farmed on horseback.
Can also drop from Shadow Militiamen.
Has a 2.00 chance to drop.
Spinning Slash.
This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
Can be buffed by Magic or Consumables.
Vulgar Militia Shotel can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
Sell Value: 100.
Anti-block: ignores 40 damage negation from blocks.
This stacks with Impaling Thrust, raising the penetration of this skill from 85 to 94 .
Base drop rate is 2-4 (at 100 Discovery, depends on the location).
The Vulgar Militia Shotel can be infused with Ashes of War.
See usable Ashes of War.
All Affinities
Ash of War: Spinning Slash (Default)
Ash of War: Cragblade
Ash of War: Kick
Ash of War: Endure
Ash of War: Ground Slam
Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker
Ash of War: War Cry
Ash of War: Barbaric Roar
Ash of War: Braggart's Roar
Ash of War: Impaling ThrustImpre drop form Vulgar Militiamen.
The road from the Farum Greatbridge to the Bestial Sanctum has several that can be easily farmed on horseback.
Can also drop from Shadow Militiamen.
Has a 2.00 chance to drop.
Spinning Slash.
This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
Can be buffed by Magic or Consumables.
Vulgar Militia Shotel can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
Sell Value: 100.
Anti-block: ignores 40 damage negation from blocks.
This stacks with Impaling Thrust, raising the penetration of this skill from 85 to 94 .
Base drop rate is 2-4 (at 100 Discovery, depends on the location).
The Vulgar Militia Shotel can be infused with Ashes of War.
See usable Ashes of War.
All Affinities
Ash of War: Spinning Slash (Default)
Ash of War: Cragblade
Ash of War: Kick
Ash of War: Endure
Ash of War: Ground Slam
Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker
Ash of War: War Cry
Ash of War: Barbaric Roar
Ash of War: Braggart's Roar
Ash of War: Impaling Thrust
Ash of War: Piercing Fang
Ash of War: Repeating Thrust
Ash of War: Double Slash
Ash of War: Sword Dance
Ash of War: Quickstep
Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step
Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists
Ash of War: Beast's Roar
Ash of War: Charge Forth
Ash of War: Spinning Strikes
Ash of War: Giant Hunt
Ash of War: Storm Assault
Ash of War: Stormcaller
Ash of War: Storm Stomp
Ash of War: Phantom Slash
Ash of War: Determination
Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Fire, and Flame Art
Ash of War: Flaming Strike
Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Ash of War: Black Flame Tornado
Ash of War: Flame Skewer
Ash of War: Flame Spear
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred
Ash of War: Thunderbolt
Ash of War: Blinkbolt
Ash of War: Lightning Ram
Ash of War: Sacred Blade
Ash of War: Sacred Ring of Light
Ash of War: Sacred Order
Ash of War: Shared Order
Ash of War: Golden Slam
Ash of War: Golden Vow
Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Magic, and Cold
Ash of War: Glintstone Pebble
Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx
Ash of War: Spinning Weapon
Ash of War: Loretta's Slash
Ash of War: Gravitas
Ash of War: Ice Spear
Ash of War: Chilling Mist
Ash of War: Ghostflame Call
Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp
Ash of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp
Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Poison, Blood, and Occult
Ash of War: Poisonous Mist
Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice
Ash of War: Blood Tax
Ash of War: Seppuku
Ash of War: Spectral Lance
Ash of War: White Shadow's Lure
Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow |